simple and clear is always best  
line decor
line decor


Welcome to my website. This site is the culmination of a final project for a beginning web design class.

To summarize this class, we have learned:

  • the history of the internet
  • how to thoroughly research subjects on the web
  • basic HTML coding
  • CSS style sheets coding
  • Dreamweaver

In reflecting on this online class, I have learned much about web design and coding, but mostly I have come to the realization that I have only touched on the tip of a very large iceberg. Like any subject, there are many sub-levels to explore and learn. One comes to the realization that, like many things in life, certain aspects of the whole appeal to individuals more than others. I have touched on what I believe are the main points of effective and efficient web design.


|home| |design| |target information| |concise writing| |color choices| |about me|


"You don't need to outdo the competition. It's expensive and defensive. Underdo your competition. We need more simplicity and clarity."

Jason Fried